Marvel 175 EC

Marvel is a differentiated plant growth regulator formulation containing 175 g/L of the
active ingredient Trinexapac ethyl. The Marvel formulation contains a unique adjuvant
system providing a point of difference over other EC formulations in the market. As a result of this innovation, Marvel provides enhanced uptake, improved active ingredient distribution and consistency and maximises reliability in performance every time you apply it. Marvel is registered for the regulation of leaf and stem growth, as well as a turf management aid across a very broad range of turfgrass species and growing regimes.

BenefitsMore efficient formulation containing a unique adjuvant system allowing for the active ingredient to be fully utilised, whilst reducing environmental losses • More consistent response due to improved reliability of the product • Low odour formulation – no petroleum solvents are present in the formulation, preventing odour and skin sensitivity issues • Marvel is completely water soluble and is therefore tank mix flexible with most commonly used turf fungicides, insecticides and liquid fertiliser products • Cost effective for broadacre usage such as on fairways and sportsgrounds • Helps improve turf colour, lateral stem and root mass development • Manages a healthy plant by reducing vertical growth whilst improving blade health and durability • Increases quality of final cut, particularly in high maintenance situations • Reduced clippings for efficient mowing and reduction in waste.
Features The active ingredient in Marvel® 175 EC, Trinexapac-ethyl inhibits gibberellic acid biosynthesis late in the pathway. This results in a significant reduction in cellular elongation and internode length. After application, new growth has shortened internodes, more tillers, and reduced vertical growth compared to untreated turf. Trinexapac-ethyl is rapidly absorbed by the plant’s leaves and crowns. The majority of uptake occurs within one hour of treatment. Absorption through roots is negligible, as the product is broken down in the soil environment quickly. Marvel is transported acropetally (upwards) in the xylem to the meristem, where cell elongation occurs. The systemic translocation properties of Marvel ensures even distribution of the active ingredient within the plant tissue
CharacteristicsThe unique Marvel 175 EC adjuvant system The formulation of Marvel 175 EC results in an increased affinity to the waxy plant cuticle due to the longer chain fatty acid adjuvant. This unique component only found within the Marvel formulation significantly increases the droplet surface area on the leaf, allowing for enhanced coverage and improved foliar uptake efficiency and overall performance at lower rates of active ingredient output.
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